Michael Holstein welcoming all fiddlers to the learning portal of Fiddlershop.


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5 Benefits of Playing in an Orchestra

5 Benefits of Playing in an Orchestra

There's no shortage of reasons why playing a musical instrument in an ensemble benefits children. Orchestra teaches young ones to create something beautiful; it develops a new form of language and ...
Effective Ways to Practice Performing

Effective Ways to Practice Performing

One Day at Fiddlershop

One Day at Fiddlershop

Come Back Stronger Than Ever After a Bad Practice Session

Come Back Stronger Than Ever After a Bad Practice Session

How to Prepare for Your First Solo with an Orchestra

How to Prepare for Your First Solo with an Orchestra

5 Ways to Extend the Life of Your Bow

5 Ways to Extend the Life of Your Bow

Our bows, like the body of our instrument, need tender care and affection. People tend to neglect the bow, thinking it's not as important as the instrument itself. But the bow is an extension of y...